POSM's Got It: One-Click Server Inspection Backup
Along with creating POSM Pro, the Most Robust, User-Friendly Inspection Software to Come Down the Pipe, we’ve also created three levels of video archive Office Software:
- Entry-level Workstation Engineering
- Mid-level Storage
- Server, maximum speed, space, access, options, and functionality.
Unless you’re a one-person contractor, we recommend POSM Server or Storage to most companies. Server, specifically, gives unlimited authorized workers access to your company’s huge organized library of active and archived inspections (searchable by several variables, so your workers can find the exact inspection in moments).
Server is ESRI GIS (Global Information System) compatible, and runs on either a Microsoft Access Database or, for optimal speed, a SQL database. Your server can be local or Cloud-enabled for state-of-the-art security.
But for all these advantages, we haven’t yet mentioned one of its greatest time-saving assets. Let’s look closer at the Server Backup Tool and see how it saves time for everyone, starting with the inspection guy in the back of the truck, to office managers editing the video, project leaders and marketers communicating with the client, all the way through to the CEO.
Without the Server Backup Tool, each inspection needs to be saved to some sort of portable device, usually a CD-ROM or, in recent years, a zip or thumb drive. To archive the inspections, someone has to copy the data from the truck computer onto the portable device, then take the device to the company’s Server computer to be saved again.
...the Server Backup Tool...saves time for everyone, starting with the inspection guy in the back of the truck...
As you know if you’ve done it, this sort of backup chore is as tedious as it sounds. Typically, this task is, understandably, put off for days or weeks, leaving precious unsaved data sitting in the back of the truck on the hard drive at potential risk of accidental loss.
Now imagine instead: The inspector finishes for the day, returns to the office, and as soon as the truck can connect to the company wifi, they click a single button, and…
And... nothing. That’s it. Just park the truck, click a button on the laptop, and wait a few minutes while the automated backup does its thing. While the inspector attends to something more important, the day’s inspections auto-batch, auto-synch, and upload to the Server database. A typical synch of the day’s inspections takes a few minutes.
...click a single button, and… ...and nothing. That's it.
Next, the Office worker finds the inspections already on the Server, edits them for client reports, (probably changes the name) and saves the updated files again with the same push of a button!
Imagine that the simple backup continues through every step of the process.
The Server Backup Tool is an incredible upgrade of convenience and time saving functionality, unique to POSM, and is included at no extra charge when you purchase the Storage or Server package.
If your company uses POSM Pro and relies on a “thumb drive backup system” (with or without one of our lesser tier Office packages), we highly recommend that you take a serious look at upgrading to Server. Our most robust option, Server offers the fastest, safest, most accessible archive access to all your workers, while the Server Backup Tool saves everyone considerable time conveniently and safely through every step of your client service process. Want to learn more? Contact our tech support and discuss how Server can help you today!