Why Action Pipeline Uses POSM Lite With Deep Trekker

Deep Trekker

Photo Courtesy Deep Trekker

Action Pipeline is a maintenance and new construction water line contractor that services Southern Arizona towns and municipalities, including Tucson, Tempe, and surrounding areas. Andres Amado, company Vice President of Operations for seven years, says Action Pipeline specializes in emergency repairs, large main installations, and “everything else other companies can’t do.”

Andres explained, “We work closely with Tucson Water to find innovative ways to track assets and make sure the pipes are in the best shape.” Since Arizona is a desert, early and efficient leak detection is a vital factor to its pipeline maintenance. “That’s how we got into the leak detection business.”

In 2019, Action Pipeline invested in a Deep Trekker DT340 Pipe Crawler, a specialized remote controlled CCTV crawler camera that maneuvers in deep water much like a mini submarine. These units are ideal for exploring pressurized water pipes, deep water tanks, and any other submerged environment otherwise impossible for a person to access.

Because its purpose is so specific, Action Pipeline doesn’t use the Deep Trekker unit every day. Andres estimates the company utilizes the unit once or twice a month when they encounter specific deep or pressurized water repairs. But when they use it, they control it using POSM Lite software through a laptop. Andres estimates that, since using POSM Lite, the average inspection and video editing process takes less than half the time compared to using Deep Trekker alone, with greatly increased accuracy. How does POSM Lite software make such a big difference?

...the average inspection and video editing process takes less than half the time...

“The Deep Trekker unit comes with a control panel and viewing screen,” Andres explained. “It includes a port for a video recorder that allows the user to record the inspection, but you can’t edit or add comments to the footage ‘live.’ Instead, you must review the video and add observations after the inspection is complete using video editing software. That takes longer and is less efficient.” To compensate, Andres’ team had to take notes during the inspection, then tried to remember where to insert specific observations into the video edit, which complicated the process. (The Deep Trekker interface is designed to work with PACP-certified software, which uses an asset condition coding system Action Pipeline does not need for most of its inspections, and does not use).

Deep Trekker
The DT340 Pipe Crawler (Photo courtesy Deep Trekker)

Andres sought to find a software option compatible with the unit that would allow his team to document and edit the inspection “live.” “We needed to streamline the process to something a single inspector could handle.” He recalled, “I looked at 10 to 15 different programs on the market. While I found options that would get the job done, they were priced high, and included options for big companies, big municipalities that manage a fleet of trucks. It made no sense for Action Pipeline to invest in a huge program when we only need about 10% of the options.” Frustrated, Andres contacted his Deep Trekker dealer directly, and they pointed him toward POSM.

POSM Lite promised to be a streamlined, inexpensive inspection software that removed the 90% of elaborate options the company didn’t need, while being easy to use. And, most importantly, the ability to edit Deep Trekker video inspections “live.” “It also offered live customer service. Whenever something went wrong, I wanted fast help with the option to call someone in the U.S. who could respond to us within minutes.”

POSM Lite Interface

"Behind the Screens" of POSM Lite

Though they use the unit infrequently, Andres says the Deep Trekker / POSM Lite combo has helped Action Pipeline pull off specialized inspections in unique environments. “We performed an internal investigation on a 36" line in a pressurized system. We installed an ink nozzle [onto the Deep Trekker unit] to seek and detect a leak “live” thanks to POSM Lite. We inserted the robot into the pressurized pipeline and located a defect in the mortar. We injected the ink and watched it get sucked out of the pipe to document the spot in real time.” Because they paired Lite with their Deep Trekker, “we were able to very quickly and efficiently pinpoint the defect, dig it up, and repair it.”

Having now used Deep Trekker with POSM Lite for two years, Andres said, “Lite is perfect for our needs, and POSM tech support is very responsive and assists us above expectations.” Efficient, reliable, streamlined, and economical, Andres says, “POSM does exactly what we need it to do, and is like nothing else on the market.”

"POSM does exactly what we need it to do, and is like nothing else on the market.”

Deep Trekker Logo

Learn more about Action Pipeline at their LinkedIn page. Check out the unique Deep Trekker water crawlers 100% compatible with POSM Software at https://www.deeptrekker.com/

If you’re looking for compatible software to better control your name brand inspection crawler, contact us here to ask about our FREE 60-Day fully unlocked no-obligation trial, paired with our industry-leading tech support.